B1 Escrima eBook is now available!!

B1 Escrima is the newest and latest eBook for the Wmpyr YouTube channel! 

Since the early days of YouTube, 

Sensei Wmpyr has been teaching in person and online,

 refining his skills and learning how to organize and teach his material more clearly. 

B1 Escrima is underground, and underground is where it's at in today's misinformation age. 

The mainstream channels you see are the ones that made the choice to prioritize fame and fortune.

Wmpyr doesn't care about popularity, 

he has been around a while now and has continued his focus on crafting his skills so that it can be effective and usable in real life. 

The B1 Escrima book is designed to be an easy to understand text book so that it can actually be used.

B1 Escrima eBook = $10 (USD)

If you are interested in the B1 Escrima ebook send me message at the email below and I will send you an invoice that is a paypal link.  


If you do not get the download link within 24 hours, please send me an email, so that I can try again or figure out some other way.

Thank you for your interest and support!!

You can also purchase the B1 Escrima eBook from the link below. 

