DVD REVIEWS by Wampire, Focusing on martial arts related videos!

The Walking Dead season 1
Rage of Honor starring Sho Kosugi
Commando starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Blood of Heroes starring Rutger Hauer and Joan Chen
The Master tv show
Samurai Jack season 1
Revenge of the Ninja review part 5/5
Revenge of the Ninja review part 4/5
Revenge of the Ninja review part 3/5
Revenge of the Ninja review Part 2/5
Revenge of the Ninja review part 1/5
Game of Death 2 film review by Wampire
PRIDE FC 10 review
Ring of Fire starring Don the Dragon Wilson, Maria Ford, lots of good fight scenes in this one!
Ring of Fire 2 starring Don the Dragon Wilson, Maria Ford, if you ever wanted to see The Warriors done with martial artists then you'll like this.
The Hunted starring Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro, mainstream film with lots of knife combat!
The Vault starring Laci Szabo, Bas Rutten, Diana Inosanto
Cold Steel Sword Proof DVD review
Street Survival movie review, found this gem at the $5 bin at Walmart.
TWISTED starring Ashley Judd, Samuel Jackson, mainstream film that features a Yawara stick!
The Walking Dead season 1
Rage of Honor starring Sho Kosugi
Commando starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Blood of Heroes starring Rutger Hauer and Joan Chen
The Master tv show
Samurai Jack season 1
Revenge of the Ninja review part 5/5
Revenge of the Ninja review part 4/5
Revenge of the Ninja review part 3/5
Revenge of the Ninja review Part 2/5
Revenge of the Ninja review part 1/5
Game of Death 2 film review by Wampire
PRIDE FC 10 review
Ring of Fire starring Don the Dragon Wilson, Maria Ford, lots of good fight scenes in this one!
Ring of Fire 2 starring Don the Dragon Wilson, Maria Ford, if you ever wanted to see The Warriors done with martial artists then you'll like this.
The Hunted starring Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro, mainstream film with lots of knife combat!
The Vault starring Laci Szabo, Bas Rutten, Diana Inosanto
Cold Steel Sword Proof DVD review
Street Survival movie review, found this gem at the $5 bin at Walmart.
TWISTED starring Ashley Judd, Samuel Jackson, mainstream film that features a Yawara stick!