NUKO TOOLS, innovative tools made for self-defense. NUKO is pronounced "Knuckle". These tools are designed to be carried everyday on your keychain. NUKO TOOLS are compact and can be carried/stored with ease. I find them to be collectible, if you have more than 1 you can combine them to deliver more damage. They can also be used as an improvised Karambit ring!
ACDT review by Wmpyr
Self-defense keychain that is also a bottle cap opener, ACDT is the new successful addition to Nuko Tools!
Punch Ring by NUKO Tools
Self-defense Impact Ring
Carry it on your keychain!
According to Knifezilla
Price: $16.95
Strong light weight made of 40,000 PSI G10 fiber with an edge that can cut to the bone upon impact. 2.5AOL, 1/2 ounce, 25MM ID on knuckle hole.
Length: 2 3/4" (just under 3 inches)
Order yours today at
With the approval of NUKO TOOLS designer Norman Lee, Top Secret Project: DARK MAGICIAN was unleashed by Wmpyr. Exciting news revealed that the NUKO TOOLS Punch Ring is also a state of the art Improvised Karambit Ring!
Click here for NUKO TOOL Impact Ring Review by Wmpyr!
NUKO TOOLS Improvised Karambit Ring video by Wmpyr
NUKO TOOLS and Wmpyr Secret Project revealed! (video)