Octagon Eskrima Sticks
"Invisible Predator Eskrima Sticks"
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These ice crystal acrylic Eskrima sticks look absolutely gorgeous, but they are made very strong and quite heavy, excellent for strength training. The compact size is great for indoor solo training, and solid construction for partner drills. But it can also be used for self-defense, virtually invisible and the extra sharp octagon edges will tear up your opponent. The grip is comfortable but also solid in the hand. Wmpyr tested the grip, swinging these sticks with wet hands and had no problems.
The Octagonal shape provides a better grip and makes your strikes harder.
"Swing these around and watch them disappear!" - Wmpyr
Enjoy the octagon! Have these sticks sit and wait for you, or roll them to a partner, crush fingers and smash against bone to cause tremendous pain using the ridges, or place two side by side and use them deceptively as a single sword.
"You will not find octagonal Eskrima sticks much less Acrylic Eskrima sticks! This is extremely rare, cutting edge, hi-tech stuff!" -Wmpyr
For $75 a pair plus shipping and handling, custom hand crafted to perfection, this is the coolest Eskrima sticks on the market today. Unique, high quality sticks that your not going to find anywhere else.
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- Octagon shaped!!!
- 2 feet long
- Extra thick
- Highest quality extra strong Acrylic
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These ice crystal acrylic Eskrima sticks look absolutely gorgeous, but they are made very strong and quite heavy, excellent for strength training. The compact size is great for indoor solo training, and solid construction for partner drills. But it can also be used for self-defense, virtually invisible and the extra sharp octagon edges will tear up your opponent. The grip is comfortable but also solid in the hand. Wmpyr tested the grip, swinging these sticks with wet hands and had no problems.
The Octagonal shape provides a better grip and makes your strikes harder.
"Swing these around and watch them disappear!" - Wmpyr
Enjoy the octagon! Have these sticks sit and wait for you, or roll them to a partner, crush fingers and smash against bone to cause tremendous pain using the ridges, or place two side by side and use them deceptively as a single sword.
"You will not find octagonal Eskrima sticks much less Acrylic Eskrima sticks! This is extremely rare, cutting edge, hi-tech stuff!" -Wmpyr
For $75 a pair plus shipping and handling, custom hand crafted to perfection, this is the coolest Eskrima sticks on the market today. Unique, high quality sticks that your not going to find anywhere else.
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