Gingerdead Man Vs. Evil Bong from Full Moon

2013 film review by Wmpyr

Having watched Evil Bong 1~3, and Gingerdead Man 1~3, I was really looking forward to seeing this one. The film starts off with the Gingerdead Man tanning at some beach with three strippers, then a flashback covering the first three Evil Bong films. I immediately got excited about this one when they showed the Gingerdead Man and his voice was done totally great unlike GDM 3. Smooth dialog from the Evil Bong crew, then we get to a funny scene with a pervert from the Gingerdead Man crew, then they get their turn to do a thankfully super short flashback. Gingerdead Man is back to stalking Sarah Leigh, and Eebee the Evil Bong gets released by Rabbit. Great to see Luann again though brief, and it's interesting to see the Gingerdead Man and Eebee interact together. For the last quarter of the film, Larnell, Sarah Leigh, and the Gingerdead Man all smoke Eebee and end up in the Evil Bong world. King Bong and the Gingerdead Man encounter each other, there is the Poon Tang tribe and then we get a Superman homage, and you know you can only get this kind of B-movie goodness from Full Moon. Overall the film didn't disappoint me, your viewing experience will only be better if you are a fan of Full Moon and you have seen at least the trilogies from Evil Bong and Gingerdead Man.
