Perspectives of Modular Instructor Guide book review

Author: Bram Frank

review by Wmpyr

After reading this book, I feel anxious, it's that nervous energy you get because you want to go out 

there and practice! After twenty years of training and teaching Filipino martial arts, I thought that my 

core foundations were built. Sure there are plenty of instructors that can teach me new techniques, new 

details, new strategies, but those are all icing on the cake, the cake is done my friends, or so I 

thought. Professor Bram Frank's book is showing me how to take my cake to the next level. Now that's 

exciting! That's why I feel this jitteriness!

This book is loaded with easy to understand illustrations, even some gory gruesome photos, step by step 

photos, and what knife nuts like to say, knife porn.  

The main ideas are repeated over and over again, so it's drilled into your mind. I swear reading this 

book feels like I'm training.

And how can you not like a martial arts book where the Black Knight from Monty Python (one of my 

favorite films of all time) is one of the main principals! 

We also have a Star Trek Deep Space 9 reference, many Bruce Lee quotes, and I also like how there are 

mucho references to other martial arts styles as well, and not in a negative light but in a positive 

light mind you. I also enjoyed that it explains how to teach.

And since my Filipino martial arts teacher's teacher was Professor Remy Presas it was awesome to read 

about Professor Bram Frank's wild yet enlightening stories with Professor Remy Presas. 

However all of that is just the frosting, the true gem is the CSSDSC (Common Sense Self-Defense Street 

Combat) program itself. 

You are logically told why a knife is the best answer to self-defense.
Not only do you learn what Biomechanical Shutdown is, but why it's the best.

And in my personal opinion, the Modular System helps a person understand the most complicated aspect of 

Filipino martial arts in the simplest of manner without leaving anything out. 
You learn in pieces that can be built and put together like Lego. 

So the idea is to adapt to the chaos that is real combat, rather than trying to forcefully make your 

fixed set of techniques happen. It makes perfect sense to me, you go against nature you lose, you go 

with it, well it's the only way. 

I think that sums up the book, it's like that saying, simple to learn, life time to master!   

Professor Bram Frank's website:


Unknown said…
Bingo! What Bram Frank has done is nothing short of genius. He has taken the complexity of Filipino Martial Arts and reduced it down to a simplicity as evidenced by his Modular system. One has to experience it to really believe it. All of the "what ifs" have been answered by his system. I use it in my own school and I was the one who influenced him t search to Remy Presas in the first lace. That's how impressed am by it.

Dan Anderson
9th Dan Modern Arnis
MA80 System Arnis/Eskrima
Unknown said…
GM Dan very kind in his assessment..and I'm honored that he and I continue to share each other's teachings and perspectives.he is what I have always said is an "instructors instructor"..
And it's Karma..the circle com8ng back for without GM Dan Anderson as "Super Dan" at the Diamond Nationals I wouldn't have been directed to Professor Remy Presas...who obviously changed my life and me my relationships with Arnis, blades and teaching..
Thank you both..