KEA (Kali, Eskrima, Arnis)

Kali, Eskrima/Escrima, and Arnis are pretty much the same thing and only different in name.
I like to call it KEA just to simplify things.

KEA is part of FMA (Filipino Martial Arts).

KEA is known around the world for it's first class stick fighting and knife fighting skills.

KEA is currently taught to the Filipino military and Police.
It is also taught to many military and Police groups around the world.
KEA is primarily a weapons based system but there is an empty hand portion as well.
KEA is relatively simple, quicker and easier to learn than many other styles.

Here is the curriculum breakdown for those interested in learning the art of KEA.
Keep in mind that this is definitely a generalized version.
Not all schools follow this, some do more while others do less.


1. AOA (Angles of Attack) single stick stuff
2. Arm Weaving = double stick 
3. Individual Techniques 
4. Close Range Techniques

1. Single stick
2. Double stick
3. Training knife standard grip 
4. Training knife reverse grip
5. Empty hand
6. Real knife - not all do this (minimum 6 months of training beforehand required)
7. Machete - not all do this


Corner Stone Weapons
Air Training (Kata/forms)
Practice Targets (making real contact)
Partner Drills
Lock Flow
Sparring (not all do this)

Competition (not all do this)

Defang the Snake
