Toy Art by YouTuber Wmpyr

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Science fiction meets horror in a galaxy too close for comfort..
These bizarre and unique minifigs are designed to stand out and steal the show!
REND and GLEAM were sent to assassinate the traitor Desuman.
Desuman once worked for an evil space gang called the Dead Eyes but has deserted them and now fights against them!
Frankenskull and Vampskull were sent to capture Desuman but instead they have become MIA.
What is the next chapter to this story?
Only you can decide!!

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Science fiction meets horror in a galaxy too close for comfort..
These bizarre and unique minifigs are designed to stand out and steal the show!
REND and GLEAM were sent to assassinate the traitor Desuman.
Desuman once worked for an evil space gang called the Dead Eyes but has deserted them and now fights against them!
Frankenskull and Vampskull were sent to capture Desuman but instead they have become MIA.
What is the next chapter to this story?
Only you can decide!!