I am definitely no expert on this kind of subject.
However I feel that survival and prepping is part of martial arts.
At the very least they are closely connected in my opinion.
It's just that you are protecting yourself against the emergency situation rather than an opponent.
If you look at the Ninja they used survival and prepping skills.
Even though my main goal is not wilderness survival, I see the benefits in it.
My goal is more urban survival.
Just like martial arts I figure that it only makes sense to go step by step and work my way towards bigger harder things.
So I began small with a compact survival kit that would fit in an Altoids tin can.
It all began when I won a contest from fellow YouTuber SRJoben who operated Lazy Lizard Gear.
I studied what he put in and what others put in the Altoids style tin cans and I made many of my own.
From there I moved onto larger kits.
The Altoids tin cans are compact enough to put in your pocket to carry around with you but the larger kits were designed to be put in your car.
So then I expanded to thinking about hurricane preparation.
I went from pants pocket to car and then to house.
The idea of hurricane preparation of course includes stocking up in foods and water supplies but it also includes alternative ways to prepare a meal when the kitchen is no longer functioning.
Solar chargers and a hand crank flashlight/radio are valuable here.
The second concern about hurricane preparation is the possibility of leaving the home and going to a shelter.
So then other factors such as sleeping and lighting become a concern.
This year (2020) which has been a year like no other with COVID, rioting, hate crimes, and an alarming amount of hurricane warnings, I already had a bug out bag but it made me feel really good to make it more compact.
My bug out bag is now half the size of what it was but it now also has better stuff in it than before.
Can we say upgrade?
So what's in it?
(Just the camo bag, I removed the small black one)
Many things such as an emergency radio, flashlight, knife, Mylar tent, masks, gloves, bandana, multi-tool, fire starters, and compass.