Wmpyr is your average life long martial artist.
He officially started training in 1990, he was in junior high school at the time.
He really enjoyed the training aspect of martial arts but in 2005 he made the jump to formally start teaching it.
He has researched and cross trained in various styles of martial arts.
What makes him unique is that he continues to train and value what he calls the three major types of combat martial arts, which are Traditional, Sport, and Tactical.
He believes that having three different perspectives of combat makes his understanding of combat more complete compared to a person who focuses only on one perspective.
Even though Wmpyr's FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) lineage can be traced back to Modern Arnis from the Presas brothers, he teaches his own interpretation of FMA which is mixed with elements from other martial art styles from all over the globe.
Wmpyr has shut down his school in 2010 and has been teaching privately and on YouTube.
Wmpyr's goals are not world wide domination of his brand, but instead more humble, he wants to generate an interest in martial arts, and to encourage people to train in any style of martial arts properly, which consists of safety first, always be professional, respectful, polite, humble, and have fun.